MSME UDYOG AADHAR Registration Benefits

We, Osmium Solutions can provide you certification for MSME which is Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Govt. Act 2006) which is useful for Manufacturers or Distributors or Dealers of Goods & Services.

Service Charges: Rs. 500 only
Delivery time: Within 24 hrs. to your email
WhatsApp or Google Pay: 09533791525

Documents Required:

1) AADHAR Card of the Authorized Signatory Owner

2) PAN Card copy
3) ADDRESS Proof
4) GST Registration Copy
5) No. of Workers Working
6) Business Investment amount Initially
7) Date of Establishment
8) Bank Account details with IFSC / Cancelled Cheque
9) Email & Mobile Number linked to Aadhar Card

Example of MSME Certification:

         Enterprises Investments for the Manufacturers (of the Plant & Machinery) and Distributors / Service (of the Equipment's) will come under following categories whom should not exceed:

Benefits of MSME Schemes:

1)      Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE)

Under this CGTMSE Scheme, Collateral Credit-free (Loan) facility up-to a limit of 100 Lakhs without the need for third party guarantee.

"Credit facility" means any financial assistance by way of term loan and / or fund based and non-fund based working capital (e.g. Bank Guarantee, Letter of credit etc) facilities extended by the lending institution to the eligible borrower.

"Eligible borrower" means new or existing Micro and Small Enterprises to which credit facility has been provided by the lending institution without any collateral security and/or third party guarantees.

   "Lending institution(s)" means a commercial bank for the time being included in the second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and Regional Rural Banks as may be specified by the Trust from time to time, or any other institution (s) as may be directed by the Govt. of India from time to time.

MSME in Villeparle, Mumbai | ID: 14977630048

2)      Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)

The objective of the Scheme is to facilitate Technology up-gradation in MSEs by providing an upfront capital subsidy of 15 per cent i.e. subsidy cap limited to maximum of Rs. 15 lakh (on institutional finance of upto Rs 1 crore availed by them) for induction of well-established and improved technology in the specified 51 sub-sectors/products approved.

3)      Cluster Development Programme (MSE-CDP)

Objectives of the Scheme:
(i)                 To support the sustainability and growth of MSEs by addressing common issues such as improvement of technology, skills & quality, market access, etc.
(ii)                To build capacity of MSEs for common supportive action through formation of self-help groups, consortia, upgradation of associations, etc.
(iii)             To create/upgrade infrastructural facilities in the new/existing Industrial Areas/Clusters of MSEs.
(iv)             To set up Common Facility Centres (for testing, training, raw material depot, effluent treatment, complementing production processes, etc).
(v)               Promotion of green & sustainable manufacturing technology for the clusters so as to enable units switch to sustainable and green production processes and products.

(i)           Common Facility Centers (CFCs): The Government of India [Gol] grant will be restricted to 70% of the cost of Project of maximum Rs.20 crore. Gol grant will be 90% for CFCs in NE & Hill States, Island territories, Aspirational Districts/L WE affected Districts, Clusters with more than 50% (a) micro/ village, (b) women owned, (c) SC/ST units. The cost of Project includes cost of Land (subject to maximum of 25% of Project Cost), building, pre-operative expenses, preliminary expenses, machinery & equipment, miscellaneous fixed assets, support infrastructure such as water supply, electricity and margin money for working capital.

(ii) Infrastructure Development: The Gol grant will be restricted to 60% of the cost of Project (Rs. 10 crore for Industrial Estate & Rs.15 crore for Flatted Factory Complex). Gol grant wiII be 80% for Projects in NE & Hilly States, Island territories, Aspirational Districts I LWE affected Districts, industrial areas / estates / Flatted Factory Complex with more than 50% (a) micro/ village, (b) women owned, (c) SC/ST units. For existing clusters, upgradation proposals will be based on actual requirements.

(iii) Marketing Hubs / Exhibition Centres by Associations: The Gol grant will be restricted to 60% of the cost of Project of maximum Rs. l0 crore for Product Specific Associations with SMO rating of Gold Category and above from NABET (QCI) and 80% for Associations of Women Entrepreneurs. Remaining project cost is to be borne by SPV / State Government. The Gol contribution will be towards construction of building, furnishings, furniture, fitti1gs, items of permanent display, miscellaneous assets like generators, etc.

(iv) Thematic Interventions: The Gol grant will be restricted to 50% of total cost of maximum 5 Thematic Interventions not exceeding Rs.2.00 lakh for each in approved / completed CFC for activity mentioned below. As such the maximum Gol grant under this component for each CFC would be Rs.IO.OOlakh. Remaining cost would be borne by SPV / State Government.

(a) Training Programmes.
(b) Exposure Visits.
(c) Strengthening the Business Development Service (BDS) provision through a panel of service providers.
(d) Any other activity related to creating business eco-system in cluster mode.

(v) Support to State Innovative Cluster Development Programme:A few State Governments have initiated State funded Cluster Development Programme to support soft and hard interventions in clusters with limited funding support. In order to strengthen this activity, this component would provide co-funding of the CFC projects of State Cluster development Programme on matching share basis. The Gol fund would be limited to State Government share or Rs.5.00 crore whichever is lower. The Gol assistance would be 90% of project cost not exceeding Rs.5.00 crore in respect of CFC projects in North East/Hilly States, Island territories, Aspirational Districts/L WE affected Districts, as well as for projects where beneficiaries are SC/ST/Women owned enterprises, as per the scheme guidelines of State Cluster Development Programme.

4)      Entrepreneurship and Skill Development Programme (ESDP)

The objective of the programme is to motivate young persons representing different sections of the society including SC/ST/ Women, Physically Handicapped, Ex-servicemen and below poverty line (BPL) persons to consider self-employment or entrepreneurship as one of the career options.

Assistance provided for Industrial Motivational Campaign (IMC), Entrepreneurship Awareness Programmes and Entrepreneurship-cum-skill Development Programmes, Management Development Programmes and Mega Events.

5)      Tool Rooms & MSME Technology Centres

The Technology Centres (TCs) facilitate an integrated development of MSMEs by providing quality Tool, Industry ready manpower, consultancy in tooling & related areas and processes & Products development in product group like Foundry & Forging, Electronics, Electrical Measuring Instruments, Fragrance & Flavour, Glass, Sport Goods and Footwear designing. These TCs are provding these services across the country.

Nature of Assistance: i) To provide access of MSMEs to tooling facilities for enhancement of their efficiency. (ii) Process & Product development in relevant sector. (iii) Consultancy and Job works in relevant Sector and (iv) Skill Development.

6)      National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)

The National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP) is the nodal programme of the Government to develop global competitiveness among Indian MSMEs. The Programme was initiated in 2007-08. This programme targets at enhancing the entire value chain of the MSME sector through the following schemes:

(a) Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme for MSMEs;
(b) Promotion of Information & Communication Tools (ICT) in MSME sector;
(c) Technology and Quality Up gradation Support to MSMEs;
(d) Design Clinics scheme for MSMEs;
(e) Enabling Manufacturing Sector to be Competitive through Quality Management Standards (QMS) and Quality Technology Tools (QTT);
(f) Marketing Assistance and Technology Up gradation Scheme for MSMEs;
(g) Setting up of Mini Tool Room under PPP Mode;
(h) National campaign for building awareness on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR);
(i) Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators.
(j) Bar Code under Market Development Assistance (MDA) scheme. 

7)      Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS)

The objective of the scheme is to enhance the manufacturing competitiveness in MSMEs through the application of various Lean Techniques by reducing waste, increase productivity, imbibing a culture of continuous improvements etc.

Nature of Assistance: Provision of financial assistance to MSMEs upto Rs 36 Lakhs (maximum) per mini cluster of 10 units for a period of 18 months or till completion (GoI: Units:80:20, Rs. 28.8 Lakhs: Rs. 7.2 Lakhs).

8)      Technology and Quality Upgradation Support to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (TEQUP)
The basic objective of this scheme is to encourage MSMEs in adopting energy efficient technologies and to improve product quality of manufacturing in MSMEs.

Under this scheme, a capital subsidy of 25% of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 10.00 lakh shall be provided to the registered MSME units. While 25% of the project cost will be provided as subsidy by the Government of India, the balance amount is to be funded through loan from SIDBI/banks/financial institutions.

9)      Product Quality Certification

The primary objective of this activity is to provide subsidy to MSME units towards the expenditure incurred by them for obtaining product certification licenses from National / International standardization Bodies.

The maximum GOI (Government of India) assistance allowed per MSME is Rs.1.5 lakh for obtaining product licensing /Marking to National Standards and Rs. 2.0 lakh for obtaining product licensing /Marking to International standards. One MSME unit can apply only once under the scheme period.

10)   Design Clinic Scheme

The goal of this scheme is to help MSME manufacturing industries move up the value chain by switching the production mode from original equipment manufacturing to original design manufacturing and hence original brand manufacturing.

There is a provision of financial assistance of Rs. 15 Lakh (GoI: Units:75:25) for individual or upto 3 Micro units and 25 Lakh (GoI: Units:75:25) for more than 3 Micro units. For Small & Medium units, it is Rs. 25 lakh (GoI: Units: 60:40) for individual or upto 3 Units and Rs. 40 Lakh (GoI: Units:60:40) for more than 3 Units.

11)   Quality Management Standards and Quality Technology Tools (QMS/QTT)

The Scheme has been initiated in the year 2009-10. 
The scheme insists of multifold activities out of which following major activities are being implemented through various expert agencies/organization, viz.
• One day Awareness Campaign,
• 2 days duration workshop at Metros,
• One National Level workshop at Delhi,
• Implementation of QMS/QTT in selected MSEs Cluster,
• Monitoring International Study Mission,
• ITI/Polytechnic teacher training,
• Course module in polytechnic syllabus, etc.

Procedure for attending the activities and availing of financial assistance under the scheme:
(i) The MSEs are to submit applications directly to the respective MSME-DIs/Expert Organisations for various activities for which they are asked to submit.
(ii) The funds will be released to the expert organizations activity wise in the phased manner for the specific activity.
(iii) Contribution of 25% from Micro units and 50% from Small units will be collected by the implementing agencies wherever applicable.
(iv) The implementing agency will submit the fund utilization certificate along with the detailed report about the component.

12)   Information and Communication Technology (ICT) scheme

The broad activities planned under the scheme include, identifying target cluster for ICT intervention, setting up of E-readiness infrastructure, developing web portals for clusters, skill development of MSME staff in ICT application, preparation of local software solution for MSMEs to enhance their competitiveness, construction of e-catalogue, e-commerce etc. and networking MSME cluster portal on to National level Portal in order to outreach MSMEs

The total budget outlay of the scheme is `105.00 crore ( including GoI contribution ` 47.70 crore) during 11th Plan.

13)   Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSMEs through Incubators

The main purpose of the scheme is to nurture innovative business ideas (new/indigenous technology, processes, products, procedures, etc), which could be commercialized in a year.

Under the Scheme, financial assistance between 75% to 85% of the project cost upto maximum of Rs. 8 lakh per idea/unit, provided to Business Incubators (BIs). The BIs are also eligible to avail Rs. 3.78 lakh for infrastructure and training expenses for incubating 10 ideas. 

14)   National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)

The objective of the scheme is to enhance awareness of MSME about Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) to take measure for the protecting their ideas and business strategies. 

15)    ISO: 9001/14001/HACCP Certification Reimbursement Scheme

Under the scheme provides reimbursement of 75% of the certification expenses up to a maximum of Rs.75,000/- (Rupees seventy five thousand only) to each unit as one-time reimbursement only to those MSEs which have acquired Quality Management Systems (QMS)/ISO 9001 and /or Environment Management Systems (EMS)/ ISO14001and / or Food Safety Systems (HACCP) Certification. 

16)    Performance & Credit Rating Scheme

The main objective of the which is to provide a trusted third party opinion on the capabilities and creditworthiness of the MSEs so as to create awareness amongst them about the strengths and weakness of their existing operations. 

NSIC [National Small Industries Corporation] was appointed as nodal agency to implement the scheme on behalf of the Government. Rating under the scheme is being carried out through empaneled rating agencies i.e. Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited (CRISIL), Credit Analysis & Research Limited (CARE), Onicra Credit Rating Agency of India Ltd. (ONICRA), Small and Medium Enterprises Rating Agency of India Ltd. (SMERA), ICRA limited and Brickwork India Ratings.

Under this Scheme, rating fee payable by the micro and small enterprises is subsidized for the first year only and that is subject to maximum of 75% of the fee or Rs. 40000/-, whichever is less.

17)   Assisting to Training Institutions (ATI) Scheme

The assistance shall be provided to training institutions in the form of capital grant for creation/strengthening of infrastructure and support for conducting entrepreneurship development and skill development training programs.

Maximum assistance for creation or strengthening of infrastructure will be Rs.150 lakh on matching basis, not exceeding 50% of project cost. However, for the North- Eastern Region (including Sikkim), Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep, maximum assistance on matching basis would be Rs.270 lakh or 90% of project cost, whichever is less.
Maximum assistance per trainee per hour for entrepreneurship development and skill development programmes is Rs.50 (Rs.60 for NER, A&N and Lakshadweep).

18)   International Cooperation Scheme
It is a demand driven scheme under which financial assistance is provided on reimbursement basis to the eligible State /Central Government Organisations and Registered Industry Associations, societies /trusts associated with promotion and development of MSME sector.

·         As per the existing guidelines, the eligible organizations are facilitated for visit /participation of MSMEs in international exhibitions /trade fairs/buyer-seller meet etc. abroad and also holding International conferences/seminars/ workshops in India, for technology infusion, exploring business opportunities, joint ventures etc.

·         Under the Scheme, during the current FY 2018-19, Rs.3.59 crore has been released upto 28.12.2018 for facilitating 454 MSMEs.

·         During 2017-18, financial assistance of Rs.4.08 crore was released for facilitating 723 MSMEs.

19)   Special Marketing Assistance scheme 

The main objectives of the scheme is to enhance the marketing competitiveness of MSMEs; to provide them a platform for interaction with the individual/institutional buyers; to update them with prevalent market scenario and to provide them a form for redressing their problems. 

• Organizing Visit to International Exhibitions/Trade Fairs/Seminars Abroad

• Participation in International Exhibitions/Trade Fairs Abroad

• Organizing Visit to Domestic Exhibitions/Trade Fairs

• Participation in Domestic Exhibitions/Trade Fairs

• Vendor Development Programmes

• Organizing Workshops/Seminars/Awareness Campaigns

20)   Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)

The scheme aims to generate employment opportunities in rural as well as urban areas of the country through setting up of new self-employment ventures /projects/micro enterprises.

The maximum cost of the project/unit is: Rs. 25 Lakhs in case of manufacturing sector and Rs. 10 Lakhs in case of business/service sector.

Subsidy under PMEGP (% of project cost): General category 15%(Urban), 25%(Rural); Special Category (including SC / ST / OBC / Minorities / Women, Exservicemen, Physically handicapped, NER, Hilly and Border areas, etc.): 25% (Urban), 35% (Rural).

21)   One Time Settlement scheme(OTS)

As per directions of RBI, Bank has put in place a policy for Non-discretionary One Time Settlement scheme for recovery of Non performing loans in MSE sector.

In the case of loans granted to Micro & Small Enterprises (MSE) , the functionaries are permitted to allow settlement even if there is no yield or even with write off of a portion principal amount subject to their sanctioning powers. NPA accounts in MSE sector can be got closed by OTS wherein bank allows the borrower certain concessions in principal/interest or both, provided the account is closed within a specified period.

In terms of RBI circular RPCD.SME&NFS.BC.No.79/06.02.31/2009-10 dated May 6, 2010 , banks are mandated not to accept collateral security in the case of loans upto Rs 10 lakh extended to units in the MSE sector.
 Further, in terms of RBI circular RPCD/PLNFS/BC.No.39/06.02.80/2002-04 dated November 3, 2003 , banks may, on the basis of good track record and financial position of MSE units, increase the limit of dispensation of collateral requirement for loans up to Rs.25 lakh with the approval of the appropriate authority.

Cluster based approach to lending is intended to provide a full-service approach to cater to the diverse needs of the MSE sector which may be achieved through extending banking services to recognized MSE clusters. 

Banks provide following services to the MSE entrepreneurs:Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs)At the initiatve of the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETIs) have been set up by various banks all over the country. These RSETIs are managed by banks with active co-operation from the Government of India and State Governments. RSETIs conduct various short duration (ranging preferably from 1 to 6 weeks) skill upgradation programmes to help the existing entrepreneurs compete in this ever-changing global market. 

The buyer is to make payment on or before the date agreed on between him and the supplier in writing or, in case of no agreement, before the appointed day. The agreement between seller and buyer shall not exceed more than 45 days.·        
 If the buyer fails to make payment of the amount to the supplier, he shall be liable to pay compound interest with monthly rests to the supplier on the amount from the appointed day or, on the date agreed on, at three times of the Bank Rate notified by Reserve Bank.


  1. They offer MSME Registration in Delhi by providing small and medium-sized enterprises with official recognition and various benefits under government schemes. This registration facilitates access to loans, subsidies, and tax exemptions, promoting business growth and development. By streamlining the registration process, it supports the expansion and sustainability of MSMEs in the region.
