
Showing posts with label Diagnostic Kits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diagnostic Kits. Show all posts

Electrolyte Analyzers

Osmium Solutions introducing 2 Models of Electrolyte Analyzers;
A) Elyte 3i [ Na /K / Cl]
B) Elyte 5i [Na /K / Cl pH/ Ca]

3 - Diff Hematology Analyzers - Fully Automatic

Osmium Solutions is introducing 2 models of 3-Part Fully Automatic Hematology Analyzers or Cell Counters:

A) CounCell-21 [19 Parameters]
B) CounCell-23 [21 Parameters]

Hematology analyzers are used to count and identify blood cells at high speed and accuracy. During the 1950s, lab technicians counted each individual blood cell underneath a microscope. Tedious and inconsistent, this was replaced with the first, very basic hematology analyzer, engineered by Wallace H. Coulter. The early hematology analyzers relied on Coulter's Principle

Current hematology analyzers use a combination of light scatter, electrical impedancefluorescence, light absorption, and electrical conductivity methods to produce complete red blood cell, platelet, and leukocyte analyses. All the widely used automated instruments analyze cells in flow and are essentially highly specialized flow cytometers.

A Short notes on Radioimmunoassay

Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is an in vitro nuclear medicine very sensitive technique used to measure concentrations of antigens (for example, hormone levels in the blood) without the need to use a bioassay.

Although the RIA technique is extremely sensitive and extremely specific, it requires specialized equipment, but remains the least expensive method to perform such tests. It requires special precautions and licensing, since radioactive substances are used. Today it has been supplanted by the ELISA method, where the antigen-antibody reaction is measured using colorimetric signals instead of a radioactive signal. However, because of its robustness, consistent results and low price per test , RIA methods are again becoming popular.

The RAST test (radioallergosorbent test) is an example of radioimmunoassay. It is used to detect the causative allergen for an allergy.

Types of ELISA techniques

ELISA elaborate as Enzyme Immuno Assays/Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay.

These two terms go synonymous with each other with little modification in the test system.
ELISAs finds an enormous utility in the field of immuno diagnostics and  are immuno chemical methods for the determination of anlytes such as
v  Proteins/Peptides
v  Bacterial and viral antigens and their specific antibodies,
v  Hormones

The crucial element of detection is an antigen and antibody interaction (immune complex).
The immune complexes are detected and measured by means of an enzyme label that is conjugated to appropriate biomolecules.

The enzyme activity is detected by means of a specific substrate
In the subsequent steps Substrate yields a colour
The intensity of colour can be measured in photometer.
The intensity of colour is proportional to the analyte concentration in serum.
 ELISA makes use of Microtitre plates
Ø  which are made up of polystyrene
Ø  On to which biomolecules are passively or covalently absorbed.
ELISA as screening test……..
ELISAs are preferred screening tests in the detection and diagnosis of most of the infectious diseases because of their
ü  Speed
ü  Sensitivity
ü  Specificity
ü  Selectivity and
ü  Simplicity to perform.
ELISAs do not involve any hazardous radioactive material and are safe to perform.
Enzyme labels used in ELISA
Compounds used for labeling biomolecules: