Glucometer - Test Your Blood Sugar Levels

A glucose meter (or glucometer) is a medical device for determining the approximate concentration of glucose in the blood. It is a key element of home blood glucose monitoring (HBGM). A small drop of blood, obtained by pricking the skin with a lancet, is placed on a disposable test strip that the meter reads and uses to calculate the blood glucose level. The meter then displays the level in mg/dl or mmol/l.

Glucometers are as easy to use as the mobile phones. They are handy, less expensive and help people with diabetes check their blood sugar at home, school, or work. With improvements in technology the amount of blood needed is less than a drop. Since results are instantaneous it is ideal for doctors to use in their clinics so that they can advice the patient how to adjust their medications right away. They are also ideal as a bedside monitoring aid for sick patients as it helps the nurse to periodically check the glucose level.

With improved accuracy and lowered costs, more and more people prefer to use the glucometer in most situations and surely the patients are a happier lot as they get to know their status immediately.

Osmium Solutions are introducing Control D Glucometers, manufacture by Haiden Technology Pvt. Ltd.


PRINCIPLE OF TEST: Glucose in the blood samples mixes with a special chemical in the test strip and produces a small electronic current. The amount of the current produced changed with the amount of glucose in the blood. The glucose meter measures the strength of the current and displays the results as a blood glucose level. 

Medical Items
Price (Rs.) inc. GST
Glucometer with 25 Strips
Control D
50 Strips
Control D

How to Use Glucometer:

Glucose (C6H12O6 ) is a carbohydrate whose most important function is to act as a source of energy for the human body, by being the essential precursor in the synthesis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The energy stored in ATP can then be used to drive processes requiring energy, including biosynthesis, and locomotion or transportation of molecules across cell membranes. 

According to cellular requirements, glucose can also be used in the creation of proteins, glycogen, and lipids. The blood glucose concentration is very tightly regulated. Human body has two hormones released by pancreas that have opposite effects: insulin and glucagon. Insulin is produced by beta cells of the pancreas while glucagon is produced by alpha cells. The release of insulin is triggered when high levels of glucose are found in the bloodstream, and glucagon is released with low levels of glucose in the blood. 

Diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high or low blood glucose levels, which results from the pancreas not working properly and not producing enough insulin or when the body cells do not respond to it in the correct way. 

There are three types of diabetes: 

1. Type 1 diabetes is also known as juvenile diabetes because it is typically diagnosed in children and young adults. In this type of diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. 5% of the population with diabetes has this type of illness. 

2. Type 2 diabetes is the result of the body not producing enough insulin or the cells not using insulin properly. This is the most common form of diabetes. 90% of the population with diabetes has this type. Some of the risk factors are physical inactivity, excess body weight, genetics, age greater than 45 years, and ethnicity. 

3. Gestational diabetes is high blood glucose levels first diagnosed during pregnancy. This does not mean that the woman will have diabetes after she gives birth or that she had it before she conceived, but it is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes in the future.

The measurement of glucose is one of the longest established and most frequently performed tests in the clinical biochemistry laboratory.

In the hospital laboratory, it is usual to perform glucose assays on plasma or serum, as routine puncture and the availability of centrifuges usually mean that sufficient plasma can be harvested for assay on the main laboratory analyzer. 


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